Great weekend!!!!!! Our annual Springbrook camping reunion weekend.
Sheila, me, Mike, Mel...enjoying the weather we were graced with this year. First time we've had snow at Springbrook. It was awesome!!!!!
I was wearing yoga pants under my blue jeans, and a HUGE sweatshirt under my coat. I look like the love child of the Michelin man, and a yeti.

I'll write more about the weekend, sometime this week when I find some spare time. :-) :-)
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snow!!!!!!!all we are getting is cold rain...and it's messing up the fall leaves! LUCKY! Haha, my WV is hailityo!
I have a picture from this weekend that I hope turned out.
5 inches of snow on the ground.....COVERED with green leaves that the cold knocked off. The stark contrast of green and white is awesome!!!
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