Friday night, rushed home after work. Luckily, Friday evening traffic allows for such a thing. :-)
We ate a quick supper, unloaded my kayak from it's home in our garage, so Mot could install my Yakpads. Yakpads are pads that connect to the foot pegs on the inside of your kayak...and extend along the bottom of you boat 6 or so inches. They are basically gel cushions for your heels.
"Are you gellin"?
They are a luxury item I bought last year...and since this is the FIRST time my kayak has seen water this year...we are just now installing them.
After installing the pads, and packing an overnight bag for our trip Saturday, I ran out the door and to quartet rehearsal. We were booked to sing the National Anthem for a Retired Military Nurses conference here in Omaha the next morning.
After a three hour rehearsal, I stopped by our favorite brewery for a couple growlers of beer for our journey on Saturday. We introduced our best bud, Sheila, to Nebraska Brewing Company, and she's now an addict. (hehe)
After completing my 11:00 pm trip for booze, I went home and collapsed in bed.
Saturday am, up at 6:00 to get ready for our singing engagement. It went over well, they enjoyed our singing...always a good thing!!!
{picture to be posted}
After singing, I ran out the door and back home to change into traveling clothes, and we were off. As usual, we decided to continue with our "we're driving to Des Moines, there is no breakfast food in our house, we'll stop at McDonalds on the way" tradition.
At every exit on I-80, Mot would ask, "Is this the exit?" And I would say no.
Suddenly, Imy daydreaming gaze over the Iowa landscape is interrupted by Mot saying "Shit!" I look up in time to see we pass by the exit. Mot must have been hungry, because he got...well....upset that I let him zoom by. I said NOTHING about it, but he still got immediately defensive. His hunger was taking control over his mind and body....god help me!!!!
Fear not!!! The next exit had a Caseys...and they have doughnuts. So we had to stop so hungry Mot could get some sugar in his belly!!! On a side note, 3/4 of the SECOND doughnut went out the window to feed the birds. I guess it wasn't tasting good? :-) could have been that it was the second doughnut, after already drinking a large energy drink. His body was on sugar overload by that point.
Once we arrived at Mel and Sheila's, we said our hellos....hugs all around!! Then hooked up their Rack and Roll (currently residing on my wish list, by the way) to the back our Jeep, loaded their kayaks on it....and headed out.
Someone grabbed my camera and took a picture of me without my knowledge. I must remember to keep it close to me at all times. :-)
We arrived at Big Creek Lake 30 minutes later. Unloaded all of our gear, and got ready to paddle.
I was pretty excited to get out there. #1, I hadn't paddled all year, depressing really! #2, We were paddling with, and meeting, Adam Brooks!!! Check out his webpage!!!!
The trip was great. It was windy and there were white caps on the water when we started out. I hadn't been in my kayak ALL YEAR...and man was it good to be back in it!!! I never remember how much I enjoy it, until I get back in my boat!!!!
Mot decided to start the day off trying to eskimo roll his kayak. It was the first time he'd tried to roll in anything other than a whitewater boat....and he picked the coldest darn water to try it in. He completed his first attempt perfectly, and the video I took didn't transfer to my computer. So it's lost forever.
Hang on one second while I take a moment to cry. :-(
OK, I'm back. Here is a picture of him coming back up out of a successful rolling attempt. I SOOO much wanted to have that video on here. Oh well...we're still proud of you Mot!!!! :-)
He hates to have his picture taken...and will use anything he can to block his face. Kayak paddles are not spared in this practice!
Sheila, looking awesome, and at home, in her new boat.
After paddling for about an hour and a half, we came to the spillway between Big Creek and Saylorville Lakes. Adam, Mel and I took a hike down along the spillway to the bottom. Aside from the large amount of garbage left behind by this years was a nice, short hike to stretch our legs. (I won't go into too much explanation of me trying to get out of my boat. I about took a header into the water, with everyone looking. Typical Nej!!!)
The water near the spillway was full of green algae. It actually was becoming more and more like pea soup the closer we got to the end of the lake. :-)
Adam and Mel paddling back to the marina where we put in.
Adam, Mel and I after the paddle...eating bananas and talking more about his adventures.
After loading up our gear and boats, the five of us met at the local Subway for a small lunch. After lunch, we headed back towards Des Moines, and Adam headed towards Saylorville Lake for more paddling.
Back at Mel and Sheila's, we all showered, put on comfy clothes and sat down to talk and recover. We were all sunburned (my nose still hurts).
After a few hours, Mel put dinner in the oven, and man was it good. Stuffed shells....yummy!!!! Dinner was followed by a movie, Iron Man...then bed. (are we getting old??)
Sunday am...we all drug ourselves out of bed and to the main living area of their house. Mel was making this awesome smelling breakfast...and Tom was playing with their cat. And, let me say it....isn't their cat just the cutest thing ever??? :-)
After eating breakfast, we had to get on the road. I was due back in Omaha to take little sis shopping for, as she puts it, adult clothes. She got a promotion at work, and needs a wardrobe to match.
I can't wait for next weekend!! Every year (since 1968) we've had a family reunion/camping weekend the second weekend in October. Because my actual family is pretty small....I'm inviting a ton of my closest friends, and I can't wait. It's a family reunion, and they ARE my family!
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