Slattery Vintage Estates was hosting an "East vs West" wine showdown that afternoon....and a pizza smackdown that evening.
The vineyard is very new, from what we could find out....they are only selling wines from other local wineries....I can't wait until they are producing their own!
On our way down from where we had to park, we walked past a couple of tents set up on the hill.
If you look really close (or click on the picture to make it bigger) you can see 4 poster beds and such in those tents!!!
Stop taking pictures already and let's go! It's hot out here!!! :-)
Slattery invited musicians to provide entertainment all afternoon and evening.
Where did Mot go the minute we set foot in the courtyard? Yep, the smoker!!!
The owner of the smoker was 5 Trailer Winery.
And, to prove it's a small world...they are the competition for the winery we are going to visit in two weeks, for the wine barrel smoke-off.
When we bought our tickets, we were each given a punch card....good for 6 tastings (3 from each winery).
The four of us found a picnic table out of the sun (thank goodness, it was a scorcher that day), and spent all afternoon sipping wine, playing cards, and listening to music.
I love how he's carrying his wine in this picture!! Now that's determination!
Eventually, the wine started to get to us (well, three of us, Mot had one tasting and stopped) we ordered a meat/cheese/cracker tray for munching.
Like I said, I was very glad this tree was there! The heat was crazy!!!
Steve drew the short straw and went to get a round of tastings for the group.
The last two glasses of wine, and our 4 punched tasting cards.
This lady was awesome. She had two different wines, one in each hand. She'd alternate between the two...back and forth, back and forth.
This couple has obviously been there before. They brought their own chairs, table and bag of magical tricks. (sunblock, bugspray, plastics glasses, bottles of water, etc)
At 5:30, the pizza competition started!!! Slattery vs 5 Trails.
Slattery's carnivore pizza was to die for....but the "chick" behind the counter taking orders needs some classes in manners. The boys ordered the meat and cheese tray, and you'd have thought they threatened to kill her favorite puppy. (sigh) I'll assume it was the heat getting to her?
A family of ducks walked by for a visit....
...and a drink in the small man made creek.
Eventually it was time to grab our stuff and head out. Mot had to work the next day.
Seems you guys had a great time!
Yeah, we did!
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