Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mostly Wordless Wednesday: Not what people think they'll see in Nebraska


Brook said...

Wineries are popping up everywhere it seems. Bread and Circuses here we come! But does the wine taste good? Tell me the wine tastes good.

Nej said...

Don't know yet. There are wineries all over around here, but this one is still a baby. The vines are very young and they aren't producing their own wine yet.

Brook said...

Right, that's the one you guys went to last weekend. The local stuff around here is usually too sweet in a gagarific way. But we keep trying.

Nej said...

Oh yeah, we plenty of the gagarific around here as well. There's a winery close to our house that has some good stuff....and one of the wineries that came to the place in this picture had a great one. They call it the MF'er because people usually can't pronounce it. (Marechal Foch)

Brook said...

*laughing*I want some of that MFing wine! STAT! I am literally laughing out loud.

Nej said...

We bought a bottle, and will go visit them this weekend too!!